Along with UNICEF, we seek to raise awareness in fathers, mothers and guardians about the importance of childhood development during the first three years of age.
Usage of smart phones became the main partner of this initiative. We increased 33% the participation of Mexican Parents with communication via SMS.
There was an increase of 25% of people commited with the value generated by our fornightly newsletters: At the moment we have 50,378 subscribers.
We turned the Goal of Reduced Inequalities into our own by raising awareness on mothers, fathers and guardians about early education, since it sets the foundation of a healthy growth over the first years of life. We need to consider that, in the world, 300 million children under 5 years of age have suffered social violence during their development. “If we change the start of the story, we change the whole story”, as cited by Raffi Cavoukian, founder of the Centre For Child Honouring, on Canada