Along with IZZI and other partners we seek for Mexican teenagers and children from 6 to 18 years to learn computer science and programming.
Because of this, we agreed on a collaboration with Mexico City Education Authorities in order to train 10,000 teachers to reach 766 schools and over 250,000 students in full-time elementary schools, who used our learning materials to learn how to code.
We tripled the number of students in relation to the last academic year as we reached 100,000 students in the 2018-2019 term.
The Learning manuals for elementary schools of 40 hours per level have been completed.
We started a collaboration with the General Direction of Educational Television for the creation of TeleCuantrix which will allow us to reach telesecundarias (middle schools located in rural areas) with 40 educational TV shorts.
Once more, we adopted the Quality Education and the Reduce Inequalities Goals from UN.
In that way, Cuantrix is a program from Izzi, AMITI and Televisa Foundation that aims for the generation of opportunities equality through Computer Science so every year, one million Mexican girls, boys and youngsters learn to code.